bRising at the foot of Sani Pass, we set out for the Wild Coast - a section of South Africa's eastern coast. What at first appeared to be a misty morning...

... we soon discovered was a smokey morning. Burnt fields stretched as far as the eye could see, leaving a smoke screen lying across the horizon well into the day. I am unaware of any benefits to the soil arising from this kind of burning. I have tried to find out why, then, this is done; but as near as I can tell, it is simply an inexpensive - if dangerous- method for clearing fields for no reason other than clearing them.

It is done with some precision, though, with only certain sections burnt, and others left untouched though it seems that they should have caught fire, too. I have no idea how South African farmers manage this. But it certainly made for a visually captivating view as we drove along that day.

At times, it appeared as if the fire must have run right up to the front doors of the fire starters' homes. How they can be comfortable with that, I do not know!
After a while we left the lowlands, and the brunt fields, behind, and began to experience - and appreciate - the landscape of the Eastern Cape.

I hope we get the chance to return to that area at other times of year, to see what it looks like painted in different seasons.

We passed through a bustling Lusikisiki. I would have shot some video to better demonstrate how vibrant it was, but by this point I had used all the memory on my camera. I was clearing images and video as we drove in order to make room, and could spare none for "Lusi"...

Our final destination that day was Mbotyi, which lay on the far side of some rather charming farms.

And at the end of a long, remote road...

... that led us into the densest growth we had seen since we set out.

Where I caught my first glimpse ever of the Indian Ocean.

And where we had a room at the
Mbotyi River Lodge - a room with a remarkable view.

I had never before been anywhere I could call a tropical paradise, but I think Mbotyi qualified. The beaches were pristine and unpopulated:

The lagoon appeared almost magical:

Did I mention the view from our room? The deck?

The grounds of the River Lodge compound were not without their qualities, either.

The beach was so peaceful and picturesque.

I was completely captivated by the place, the waves and their song...

So, too, (I suspect) was my wife.

And I think you can see why...
Then again, how could anyone not be taken away by a place like this?

Perfect moments do exist...

The glow of early dusk made the coast line feel even more dreamlike.

So we returned to our room, where I serenaded my wife for a while.

Then presented her with her gifts, including a traditional
Basotho blanket - in which I must confess she looked quite fetching.

And what would my wife's birthday be without chocolate (other than hazardous to her husband's health)? I had baked some chocolate muffins and secreted them along...

Morning at Mbotyi was glorious and serene.

As we strolled along that morning, we found that we were not the only ones who thought the beach a good place to be.

And no wonder...

Some of the other wanderers that morning were even human.

What an incredible place just to be.

Finally, and with no little regret, we packed up and headed out. Pausing, along with some more of our four-legged friends, to admire the view from above Mbotyi.

Including this stunning valley, the depth of which does not come across adequately in these photos. At the edge, I most certainly felt a strong sense of vertigo.

So I guess you could quite literally say that my wife and I found paradise. It's on the Wild Coast.
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